Michelle Robertson

Ornate door
Michelle Robertson
School of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Sociology & Social Work
Equity Hall 244, 1

Michelle Robertson is Professor of Sociology and Chairperson of the Department of Social Work and Sociology.  She is a member and co-founder of the Faculty Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, has served as an editorial board member and reviewer for Contexts, and is co-author of a sociology anthology, Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life (SAGE Publishing).

Dr. Robertson approaches teaching and learning in an interactive fashion in a variety of courses like Self and Society, Social Theory, Social Statistics, Social Research, Families and Intimate Relationships, Sociology of Sport, Masculinities, Urban Inequality, and Race/Class/Gender. She also enjoys mentoring undergraduates in their research projects. Students in her courses develop the ability to explain the important influence of culture, social structure, and social processes on human behavior. Dr. Robertson’s current research is centered on the study of classroom incivility and past projects have focused on diversity and inequality in work and occupations within the world of organized sport.

Academic Appointments

Professor, St. Edward's University, 2019-present, Sociology Program.

Chair, Department of Social Work and Sociology, 2016-present.

Associate Professor, St. Edward’s University, 2013-2019, Sociology Program.

Assistant Professor, St. Edward’s University, 2009-2013, Sociology Program.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Washington State University-Vancouver, 2008-2009, Department of Sociology.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Willamette University, 2006-2008. Department of Sociology.

Ph.D., Washington State University-Pullman, 2006.  Sociology

M.A., San Diego State University, 2001. Sociology.

B.A., Indiana University, 1995. Criminal Justice Major and Minors in Sociology and Psychology.

Honors and Awards

St. Edward's University Distinguished Teaching Award, 2018-2019.

School of Behavioral and Social Sciences Faculty Research Award, 2013.

Joseph R. DeMartini Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Sociology, Washington State University, 2003.

Ann Madsen Depew Memorial Scholarship, Department of Sociology, Washington State University, 2001.

Organizations, Boards and Memberships

American Sociological Association, Pacific Sociological Association, Sociologists for Women in Society.

Editorial board member and manuscript reviewer for Contexts.

Pacific Sociological Association’s (PSA): Committee on Freedom of Research and Teaching; Committee on the Status of Women; Committee on Teaching.


Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meetings, American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, National Science Foundation ADVANCE Program Meetings .


2019. Newman, David, Jodi O’Brien, and Michelle Robertson (authors and editors). Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life. 11th edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

2014. Newman, David, Jodi O’Brien, and Michelle Robertson (authors and editors). Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life. 10th edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


2004. Robertson, Michelle. “Gays in the Military” for the Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinity: A U.S. Social and Cultural History. Edited by Bret E. Carroll, New York: Sage Publications.

2004. Robertson, Michelle. “Muscular Christianity” for the Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinity: A U.S. Social and Cultural History. Edited by Bret E. Carroll, New York: Sage Publications.